Thursday, October 2, 2008

Some Realizations

  • Events and situations in real life are extremely sensitive to initial conditions.
  • Most emotions/feelings are a result of being mentally inactive.
  • I do not understand why certain things (and not some other things) make us laugh.
  • Letting my emotions out is a luxury, which I cannot afford.
  • Singing or playing a musical instrument is best way to keep your emotions under control.
  • Planning for the distant future is a futile exercise.
  • I hate procrastination, but I realize this only when I get into trouble because of procrastination.
  • It is easier to play the guitar with my eyes closed than the piano with my eyes closed. (I wonder why).
  • When I fancy someone, I do not like admitting it until I am absolutely sure.
  • I have made far too many mistakes.
  • I learn most lessons the hard way, and when it is too late.
  • Life is like a taut string (of a guitar, violin, viola, cello, bass, etc). It naturally vibrates only at certain frequencies. If your frequency matches one of these, you resonate with it and the vibrations have large amplitudes. If your frequency does not match one of the string's natural frequency, you will not resonate and the vibrations will have small amplitudes. If you want to change the natural frequencies, you can either change the string, change the length of the string or change the tension in the string, that is, be a revolutionary person. (I got this idea while thinking about laser cavities).


Prathibha Sekar said...

The one about procrastination is very similar in my case! Can't help but laugh about it! And the rest seemed more like physics :P!

Shoma said...

yep! planning for the future is futile..heard of absurdism? I'm sure to have told you about it..I do that to everyone.. and i want your mum's jamshedpur number..i fancy a chat :)

Anonymous said...

Well next time in a situtation like this ask yourself " what will u do if u knew u wont fail " that should be some help!

Vivek Kumar Verma said...

Liked ur string theory about life. Btw I am Stella's friend in NUJS.