Apart from the voyeuristic tendencies of human beings (very well described by Bhanuj in his post “A Species of Voyeurs”), an unpleasant thing about human beings is their narrow mindedness. Humans like to keep things the way they are and resist changes and reforms. We get satisfied with the way things are and thus oppose new things. We are so narrow minded that we fail to realize that the change may be for the better.
The narrow mindedness of humans is not something unique to the modern day. During the ancient times, the Romans burnt libraries of books compiled by the Greeks as they refused to accept the knowledge of the Greeks. In the medieval times, the Church was adamant with its dogma of “Christianity”. It refused to accept anything contrary to its ideas. Thus, great men like Galileo Galilei were suppressed along with their contributions to human knowledge. During the early twentieth century, the Nazi burned several books as the contents of the books did not match the beliefs. There are countless such examples in the history of the human race which give evidence of human narrow mindedness.
The narrow mindedness can be seen even in everyday life. A person who dares to think differently is constantly opposed and ridiculed. He/she is made an object of amusement by others. Thus, such a person’s social life becomes miserable.
The narrow mindedness is the culprit in the slow progress of the human race. Fortunately there are always exceptions to this, which helps us humans to progress. In mythology, Adam and Eve would have lived in paradise had they not plucked the forbidden fruit. However, Eve was open-minded and was ready to sacrifice a bit of happiness for knowledge. She was ready for change.
There are numerous examples of people in the history of the human race, who have tried to bring change and reform in spite of the stiff resistance of the community. It is due to the efforts of such great human beings that we as humans have grown and developed as a species. I hope more of us humans realize the essence of reform and overcome the narrow-minded approach towards life.